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Live @ Raleigh Times: February Dates ❤️‍🔥

Live @ Raleigh Times: February Lineup ❤️‍🔥

Upcoming Shows 

Thursday, February 27 - Elora Dash

Hang with us Thursday, 2/27 from 7-10pm for a live set with Elora Dash!

Blending R&B and neo-soul, this Chapel Hill artist is a powerhouse musician, vocalist, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. With a voice that soars through highs and sinks into the lows, Elora’s music is as bold as it is heartfelt.

Grab a drink, get cozy, and enjoy the music!

Previous Shows

Thursday, February 6 - Story Charlemagne

Thursday, February 13 - XOXOK 

Thursday, February 20 - Aarik Duncan